Monday, June 17, 2013

Module #3-Teamwork

Teamwork Leads to Effective Communication
Bianca Zinno
Module 3

According to the author, team work is defined as a group of people working together to reach a common goal (Rahman,2012).  There are many benefits to team work. These include creative enhancement, new friendships, a sense of accomplishment, and problem resolution (Rahman,2012).  We use teamwork from childhood, to adulthood, in many situations in our lives (Rahman,2012).  An example of this is coaches, parents and teachers working with us as youths to encourage us to work towards a common goal with our peers. Good team work is a product of good communication. There are three elements to effective communication. People have to be willing to talk and share information, be understanding, and be an active listener (Rahman,2012).  Many problems with team work  in the workplace are results of poor communication. Co-workers need to learn to work together and resolve conflicts through good communication in order to be effective team players (Rahman,2012).  A team can never reach its full potential with good communication skills (Rahman,2012).  Different team building exercises and events can strengthen the communication within a group of co workers. The more co workers communicate, the more they will being to trust each other, resulting in better teamwork in the work place.

Works cited:

Rahman, Nadia. (2012, Jan 2).Teamwork Leads to Effective Communication. Ezine Articles.. Retrieved from

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